To stimulate interest and foster growth of arbitration jurisprudence, Kachwaha and Partners initiated an all India article writing competition on the subject of arbitrations (“arb excel”) in 2011-12. Following the healthy response, the event was made an annual feature and the eighth edition was held in 2022.”
Mission Statement (from the inaugural event:)
“Arbitrations have a unique place in dispute resolution and in facilitating commerce (especially cross-border commerce). Though the contours of the subject are simple, its working is complex and has sprouted a jurisprudence and ethos of its own.
India has been at the forefront of international commercial arbitration and was amongst the 10 original signatories to the New York Convention, 1958 (and prior to that amongst the 6 Asian Countries to have signed the Geneva Convention 1927). However, of late India is not perceived to be a player at all, which should be a matter of concern considering the aspirations of the country in global trade and economy.
We at Kachwaha & Partners wish that our young minds give leadership in the years to come and be at the forefront in reclaiming our place at the ‘high table’ of arbitration.”
A unique feature of this competition has been no prescribed topic or indeed even a theme. Participants are absolutely free to choose a subject of their choice (within the realm of arbitration).
Program Co-ordinator:
Ms. Ankit Khushu
1/6, Shanti Niketan
New Delhi 110021, India
Email: akhushu@kaplegal.com
Ph: +91 (11) 41661333
Fax: +91 (11) 24110763