
1/6,Shanti Niketan,
New Delhi 110021, India
Fax: +91(11)24110763
New Delhi 110021, India
Fax: +91(11)24110763
Tara Shahani
Ms. Shahani graduated from Amity Law School, IP University, Delhi and was allotted a first division rank by the University. She enrolled as a lawyer in 2009. Her practice focuses on arbitration and litigation. Over the past few years she has been involved in several high stakes construction and infrastructure matters, international commercial arbitrations, criminal cases as well as tax matters.
- Recognised by IBLJ in the category of “India’s Future Legal Leaders” (2024).
- Kachwaha & Partners, known for its keen interest and expertise in arbitration, is described as ‘goal-oriented’ by …. deputy director of legal services at the Ford Foundation in New York. ‘They provide us very good service, are very responsive and work hard to make sure that we can get our investments done with the least complications.”
“Tara Shahani [is] also cited as star performer[ ].”(India Business Law Journal (Hong Kong) (2013))
- Sumeet Kachwaha is a ‘highly qualified litigator’, and the ‘organised and very responsive’ senior associate Tara Shahani is also recommended for her ‘proficient and diligent work’.”
(Asia Pacific Legal 500 (2013))

1/6,Shanti Niketan,
New Delhi 110021, India
Fax: +91(11)24110763
New Delhi 110021, India
Fax: +91(11)24110763
Tara Shahani
- BB.A. LL.B (H), Amity Law School, New Delhi (affiliated to IP University). (Ranked amongst the top students of the University).
- Course in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law & Procedure organized by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs.
Year of Enrollment:
- 2009
- Recognised by IBLJ in the category of “India’s Future Legal Leaders” (2024).
- Kachwaha & Partners, known for its keen interest and expertise in arbitration, is described as ‘goal-oriented’ by …. deputy director of legal services at the Ford Foundation in New York. ‘They provide us very good service, are very responsive and work hard to make sure that we can get our investments done with the least complications.”
“Tara Shahani [is] also cited as star performer[ ].”(India Business Law Journal (Hong Kong) (2013))
- Tara Shahani is recommended for her ‘proficient and diligent work’.”
(Asia Pacific Legal 500 (2013))
Professional Experience:
1. Advisory:
- Advising on an ongoing basis a leading UK based tobacco company in respect to anti-tobacco consumption rules and regulations.
- Advised and acted for a Canadian – Indian Joint Venture company in DBFOT projects relating to construction where the project cost is USD 470 Million and USD 330 Million respectively.
- Advised and acted for a Danish company (a leading manufacturer of medical devices) in relation to employment and other company matters.
- Advised the Ford Foundation in relation to multi-million dollar share holder agreements with Indian parties, compliances with company and foreign exchange laws.
2. Arbitration:
- Lead counsel for an engineering company in an arbitration against its sub-contractor (under the Rules of the Delhi International Arbitration Centre).
- Lead Counsel for an engineering company in an arbitration against a Government owned PSU (under the ICA rules).
- Currently assisting the Senior Partner in two arbitrations before a three member Tribunal comprising of former judges of the Supreme Court of India, where disputes arose under a National Highway Project. The client is a joint venture between a Canadian company and an Indian company. The stakes involved are in excess of USD 1.2 Billion.
- Currently assisting the Senior Partner in two arbitrations before a three member Tribunal on behalf of a Malaysian Company, which is part of the Sovereign Investment Body of the Government of Malaysia. The claim amount is USD 176 Million approximately.
- Currently assisting the Senior Partner in arbitration proceedings on behalf of an Indian company in the construction of a highway in the State of Uttar Pradesh on DBFOT basis. The claim amount is USD 122 Million approximately.
- Assisted the Senior Partners in an ICC arbitration before the Arbitral Tribunal comprising of three former Supreme Court Judges (award rendered in favour of clients and succeeded in enforcement proceedings through Indian courts).
- Assisted as Senior Associate in a Delhi seated arbitration on behalf of a Malaysian Construction Company arising out of a road construction project in the State of Uttar Pradesh (the matter was ultimately settled at the final arguments stage).
- Assisted as Senior Associate in an ad hoc arbitration arising out a Diesel Hydrotreater Project in Northeast India and in relation to piping work. (award of US$ 3 million rendered in favour of the clients).
- Assisted as Senior Associate in an arbitration on behalf of a Hong Kong multinational before a Tribunal comprising former Chief Justice of India, Judge of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court in relation to disputes arising from contracts relating to the Commonwealth Games, 2010 Delhi (award of USD 120 Million approx. was rendered in favour of the client).
- Assisted Senior Partners in an arbitration before a former Supreme Court Judge of India on behalf of the State of Madhya Pradesh arising out of computerization of Agricultural Marketing Board operations where claim amount was in excess of USD 20 Million.
3. Litigation:
- Currently handling enforcement proceedings of an award of USD 120 Million approx. rendered by a 3 member Tribunal in relation to disputes arising from contracts relating to the Commonwealth Games, 2010 Delhi before the Delhi High Court.
- Currently handling Section 9 proceedings on behalf of a Swiss company before the High Court of Delhi.
- Currently handling challenge proceedings to an interim award before the District Court and Delhi High Court in respect of time barred claims raised by a Government owned PSU in a pending arbitration under DIAC Rules.
- Currently involved in suit proceedings on behalf of a Mumbai based company (engaged in the airline industry) before the District Court.
- Currently involved in enforcement of a foreign award rendered under the AAA Rules on behalf of an American Multinational before the Delhi High Court.
- Currently involved in representing a leading Hong Kong based company (in the infrastructure sector) in income tax proceedings before the tax Appellate Forum.
- Currently involved in assisting Senior Partner in relation to criminal proceedings initiated against a leading Hong Kong based company.
- Currently involved in assisting Senior Partner in relation to Section 9 and related proceedings on behalf of a Tanzanian based company before the Hyderabad Courts.
- Assisted the Senior Partner in the Constitutional Bench decision of the Supreme Court in Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd. v. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service Inc. (2012) 9 SCC 552 which resulted in overriding certain previous decisions of the Supreme Court.
- Assisted as Senior Associate in multiple Section 9 proceedings before the Delhi High Court on behalf of a leading joint venture company between a Canadian company and an Indian company (road construction sector).
- Assisted Senior Partner in enforcement of a foreign award rendered under the AAA Rules on behalf of an American Multinational before the Supreme Court of India.
- Represented a leading Danish manufacturer of medical devices in a civil defamation suit before the District Court in New Delhi (matter was ultimately settled).
- Assisted as Senior Associate in suit and contempt proceedings on behalf of a Hong based company in relation to disputes arising from contract relating to the Commonwealth Games, 2010 Delhi.